Our story began more than a decade ago with a vast love of European art and architecture that flowed into an admiration for the American Art Deco period.
Jennifer Tibbitts, founder and Principal Designer, was first exposed to these artistic periods in Art History courses at the Art Institute of Salt Lake City while she pursued her Interior Design degree. The brilliance of the past ignited a passion within her to master the secrets of these eras, imbibe the influences that transpired their movements, and emulate the forward-thinking individuals who risked everything to create marvelous spaces and enduring artworks.
And so Jennifer chose the Crowne as a symbol of renaissance and all things traditional, while the 13 represents craftmanship, the American colonies, and the exciting possibilities inherent in building a new world.
Jennifer uses her knowledge of what was achieved by the great designs of history coupled with her decade of experience with the ingenuity of artisans in the recent past, to craft stunningly beautiful designs now, in your home or business.
As important as our story is to us, we recognize how crucial your story is. Our true purpose is to immerse ourselves into your story – and then use our talents and experience to tangibly represent your story within the spaces in which you live your life.
The Meaning Behind Our Name
Our Staff